
This is a debugging block


This is a debugging block


This is a debugging block

5.5.22-8.5.22 | Lisbon

Register now! EYE CONFERENCE LISBON - Engineering: “A Highway to Sustainability"

EYE CONFERENCE LISBON - “A Highway to Sustainability" This year’s conference of European Young Engineers (EYE) will be hosted by the Portuguese Grupo de Jovens Engenheiros | Ordem dos Engenheiros in Lisbon form 5th till 8th Mai. 2022. Early bird tickets are available until 28th March. Since SIA International is a member of European Young Engineers EYE, our members are cordially invited to participate.SIA international section is available for further information and coordination such as tickets, hotel etc. Please contact our member Jonas Landolt on LinkedIn.+ EYE represents the Interests of young engineers ( till 35 years) europewide

The hosts of the EYE Conference 2022